Tune up and oil change -------------------------------------------------------------- $ 158.95
Gasoline ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1575.78
Twelve days of Father / Son time driving across the country -------------- PRICELESS
As we drove across the country Quinn and I kept a log of miles driven and gallons of gasoline purchased. While it is frightening to face the actual totals of dollars spent and miles per gallon achieved, it was a great opportunity for a math lesson for Quinn. We divided up the totals by state and I listed them on paper for Quinn to do the addition. I then explained to him how if we take the number of miles driven and divide it by the amount of gallons of gas used the answer will be the miles per gallon we achieved. All of Quinn's addition was written on paper and done by hand, but I had no expectation for my second grader to be performing long division, so I taught him the process on the calculator and let him go. Here are the totals;
State Miles Driven Gallons Used M.P.G
California 117.1 14.1 8.3
Nevada 195.6 19.8
96.5 8.9
292.1 28.7 10.2
Utah 179.0 20.1
153.4 13.8
130.0 14.0
462.4 47.9 9.7
Colorado 129.6 14.4
70.8 8.4
163.0 17.0
126.9 19.0
490.3 58.8 8.3
Kansas 155.0 20.3
124.7 18.6
120.8 18.8
400.5 57.7 6.9
Missouri 121.9 15.2
121.8 16.8
243.7 32.0 7.6
Illinois 140.1 14.9
178.7 18.7
318.8 33.6 9.5
Kentucky 177.8 21.7
111.1 14.4
288.9 36.1 8.0
West Virginia 136.1 18.7 7.3
Maryland 133.6 20.9
114.8 12.0
248.4 32.9 7.6
Pennsylvania 146.5 20.6 7.1
Connecticut 150.3 17.4 8.6
Massachusetts 183.3 20.7 8.9
TOTALS: 3478.4 419.2 8.3